sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013


One moment she was there, and the next...she was still there. She was always looking, always listening, and I bet she is watching you too.
I layed on my bed, always facing sideways to my right-hand night table from where she observed me. I would never dare to face elsewhere, I wouldn't like to offend her. Oh no, you really don't want to do that. Sometimes I just stare at her the way she stares at me. However, she is a master at staring, she never even blinks...ever. And she has that look, those eyes that penetrate you like swords. I would never possibly outrage her. But...please don't get me wrong! She is adorable indeed! She always wears white dresses with pink polka dot ribbons, her blonde locks in two ponytails and for make-up she never wears to much, just some blush an pink lipstick. She is definitively one of a kind.
I covered myself with blankets and while she stared at me without saying a word, I thought about that day when it all started. Our very first day together, a year ago. It was raining, I can remember because I was wearing rain boots, jumping over the water and I accidentally splashed my new dress. I was about to run home to clean it, mum would have been very pissed if I didnt, but something caught my eye. It was that house, the Pennsbury's house. Frederick, who is eight and a hald, only a bit older than me, has always told me stories about it. He said that the house has been either abandoned, or that nobody has ever left it. It remained just the same for years. Same plants, and that same old funny-looking dwarf by the porsche. Nobody knew nothing about the Pennsbury's. Nobody got out, not in...I told Frederick that maybe somebody even died there and that nobody would ever know! However, that day something had changed...She was there, sitting on the doorsteps, looking stunning on that white outfit. That look...it was the first time. I didn't know why, I didn't know for whom, but she has always had that very look on her face. An energy like a charge of electricity ran all over my body and somehow, minutes later she was home with me. She was sitting on a chair right in front of me without saying a word. I combed her hair, washed her wet clothes, and hid her. She had to be as happy as possible, I couldn't let her down because if I did, she might want to go back to the Pennsbury's house. That is how it all started...I gave her everything, always keeping her with me in case she would want or need something, keeping her away from all her previous memories that could ever make her want to go back to where she belonged.
I found her to be very intriguing. Even her look was puzzling. And to be honest, I became that too after she came into my life. I took her to school with me, and if I heard a branch cracking or footsteps, I would hold her tight and run back home. I would never let her go.
She kept on staring, and I was yawning with tired eyes. Today we ran eight blocks because I believe that I heard someone. I was not totally certain, but there cannot be room for doubt, one must always be on alert. Emily is my one and only friend, I always do what she tells me to...I trust her. I noticed the pills on my night table. Mum made me visit the doctor lately, but this time a different one, one who is very talkative and likes to scribble while I talk. Maybe he gets distracted with all my talking, but he did look concerned when I told him about Emily and her story. I always took her with me to all of my visits with the talkative doctor. Emily doesn't like him, she even told me not to drink those pills. She says that we might not be friends anymore if I take them. If I decided not to, and flushed them into the toilet, as she said, we could play a game. The game was of giving back to others...at least that is what she said. Once we sprayed my cousin's make-up brushed with oil and the day of her prom her face broke out completely! Emily said that she deserved it for not letting me try her prom dress on. I laughed for hours after looking at her. Emily didn't, but I knew she was joyfully drowning in the taste of revenge. We played every day, and we gave back others what they deserved. Emily is so nice, she teaches me how to give back to others, they deserve to get what they give.
Mum looked worried at times with Emily's presence , so she took me to the doctor once again.  Doctor Mitch doesn't like Emily either, and that day I asked him why. He said that dolls shouldn't talk, but I see no problem with that. She is adorable, she couldn't even hurt a fly, could she?

By: Lucia Miri Echavarria

1 comentario:

  1. wow, darling precious story for Friday 13 !! Loved the thrilled naive story...mmmmm weird Emily.... Great piece ! congrats you are a writer.
